Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cue the violins, Oliver Stone

Here's the ultimate gem: "I can't believe it. It is just frantic the way they are trying to push and pressure and bully all these superdelegates to come out."

Gee, Bill, I wonder where they got that tactic? Could they have taken it straight out of the Hillary Clinton Fall 2007 Playbook? You weren't crying about her premature 200+ superdelegate lead back then, as I recall.

It's unseemly how whiny these two have become. Have some self-respect, please.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Geraldine Ferraro exclusive

Amid the uproar surrounding her criticism of Obama, Geraldine Ferraro has had little chance to catch her breath. Well, we caught up with the former Vice Presidential nominee to find out what she was really talking about.

a democrapublican: Congresswoman Ferraro, we understand based on comments in the press that you have a problem with how the Obama campaign has dealt with Senator Clinton's gender. Is this a fair statement?

Geraldine Ferraro: Yes, I have found the rampant sexism of Obama's campaign to be deplorable.

crap: Would you please cite an example?

Ger: For the better part of a year, Obama has been out on the campaign trail and has not once mentioned the fact that Hillary should be elected as the first female President of the United States of America.

crap: Ok?

Ger: Instead, he keeps making this ridiculous argument that he is the better candidate, without regard for the fact that Hillary should be elected as the first female President of the United States of America.

crap: That's some nerve.

Ger: I know. It's deplorable and misogynistic, to quote Senator Clinton.

crap: Yes, that's the word.

Ger: I implore Mr. Obama and the boys in his campaign to cease this disgusting practice of not campaigning for Senator Clinton to be the first female President of the United States. Otherwise, I will use my ever-expanding mouthpiece as a sane commentator to continue portraying them as the sexist old men that they truly are.

crap: Any parting comments for the voters out there reading this?

Ger: As Senator Clinton and I have been saying all along, please exercise your right to vote for the first female President of the United States. To do otherwise could only be motivated by the insecurity one feels at having been rendered impotent long ago by women like us.

crap: It's insidious. Thank you for your time, Congresswoman.

Ger: Please, call me Gerry, sweetie. *wink*

crap: This is awkward.

Bill Clinton: Hillary "can still be nominated"

Sirhan Sirhan could not be reached for comment.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"It's Just a Flesh Wound!"

Ok, so is a certain presidential candidate starting to remind us of someone??

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Praise the Lord, Pennsylvania is dead!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Guns are for winners!

Hillary's latest tactic to attract votes is by trying to appeal to the gun totin' liberals (wait, there are such people?)...

In a campaign stop on Saturday, Clinton recalled the good 'ol days when daddy used to take her out hunting:

"You know, my dad took me out behind the cottage that my grandfather built on a little lake called Lake Winola outside of Scranton and taught be how to shoot when I was a little girl."

She later said she has hunted ducks. No word from the duck lobbyists on how this will impact her standing with the left leaning water-fowl.
In this appeal, Hillary was employing a tactic that I have used frequently in my dating life - look like a outdoorsy bad ass that "daddy dun taught right" and you'll attract all the dudes. You may laugh, but I snagged my husband that way. So, maybe Hillary's looking for a replacement for Bill? Or maybe she actually thinks that she can still win this thing. Or maybe she's auditioning for a role as Annie Oakley in a new Broadway play since her political career is pretty much over.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Quote of the Day

"If Hillary is like Rocky, as she keeps saying, then it must be because they both suffered brain damage after going too many rounds. "