Friday, January 18, 2008

A preview of South Carolina

I don't mean to suggest that the Nevada Caucus is unimportant, but the South Carolina Primary is important, which I can't say about the Nevada Caucus. So important, I declare, that the winners are highly likely to face off in November. I don't like to waste your time, so here goes.

1. South Carolina Primary - Elephants
I'm clueless. I can't read the people of South Carolina, which is kinda ironic. But, what I know is this: Ken Huckabee is a lock to lead the South Carolina Primary until the 11th hour. At the 11th hour, as Rudy and Mitt enjoy a burlesque show together in Vegas, Huckabee will watch in a helpless stupor as the Diebolds take a huge swing westward. Johnny snatches victory from the jaws of irrelevance, and leaves South Carolina with an enormous weekend sweep of the South Carolina Primary and the New Mexico Caucuses.

2. South Carolina Primary - Donkeys
Much more interesting than the baby elephant walk the Saturday before, Columbia will be enthralled by the goings on in the donkey primary. Will the South Carolina people support a mouthy broad? What about a sorta black dude? Or, a short, politically irrelevant guy? Or, will they stick with my first instinct and go with John E. from the cooler Carolina? As the day unfolds, it is clear that this one is going down to the wire. The second weekend of the tournament is clearly going to be more interesting than the first. John E. generally holds small leads throughout, while Hillary and Barack duke it out to see if either can challenge him. As the day winds down, it becomes apparent that Edwards is the soup du jour, and that Barack will leave with a solid #2 finish. Until Hillary pulls up from the top of the key and her shot nestles into the net. On the subsequent possession, Barack trips over Dennis while trying to pass the ball up court to John E., and Hillary takes it away - along with the lead, as her three pointer from the elbow bounces off the rim, the backboard, and the rim again before falling through. She ices the game from the free throw line, and ends up with a strong 13 point victory in South Carolina. Let the inauguration planning commence.


a democrapublican said...

Wow. I nailed South Carolina.

The Diebolds came through for the ruling elite's candidate of choice ... even though Mr. Huckabee was said to be looking good throughout the day.

I nailed next week's results, too. But, wait to see if you must.

a democrapublican said...

I'm not sure who fixed the votes in the South Carolina democratic primary, but it's obvious that somebody is purposefully messing with me. I'm sure it has something to do with the vast liberal media conspiracy, or maybe the Google is messing with my brain. Still, predicting 1 out of 4 is pretty doggone good.

(1 / 4) * 4 = 100%. Can't argue with that math.