Bill Clinton: 'Cover up' hiding Hillary Clinton's chances (CNN)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Cue the violins, Oliver Stone
Bill Clinton: 'Cover up' hiding Hillary Clinton's chances (CNN)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Geraldine Ferraro exclusive
a democrapublican: Congresswoman Ferraro, we understand based on comments in the press that you have a problem with how the Obama campaign has dealt with Senator Clinton's gender. Is this a fair statement?
Geraldine Ferraro: Yes, I have found the rampant sexism of Obama's campaign to be deplorable.
crap: Would you please cite an example?
Ger: For the better part of a year, Obama has been out on the campaign trail and has not once mentioned the fact that Hillary should be elected as the first female President of the United States of America.
crap: Ok?
Ger: Instead, he keeps making this ridiculous argument that he is the better candidate, without regard for the fact that Hillary should be elected as the first female President of the United States of America.
crap: That's some nerve.
Ger: I know. It's deplorable and misogynistic, to quote Senator Clinton.
crap: Yes, that's the word.
Ger: I implore Mr. Obama and the boys in his campaign to cease this disgusting practice of not campaigning for Senator Clinton to be the first female President of the United States. Otherwise, I will use my ever-expanding mouthpiece as a sane commentator to continue portraying them as the sexist old men that they truly are.
crap: Any parting comments for the voters out there reading this?
Ger: As Senator Clinton and I have been saying all along, please exercise your right to vote for the first female President of the United States. To do otherwise could only be motivated by the insecurity one feels at having been rendered impotent long ago by women like us.
crap: It's insidious. Thank you for your time, Congresswoman.
Ger: Please, call me Gerry, sweetie. *wink*
crap: This is awkward.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
"It's Just a Flesh Wound!"
Ok, so is a certain presidential candidate starting to remind us of someone??
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Guns are for winners!
Hillary's latest tactic to attract votes is by trying to appeal to the gun totin' liberals (wait, there are such people?)...
In a campaign stop on Saturday, Clinton recalled the good 'ol days when daddy used to take her out hunting:
She later said she has hunted ducks. No word from the duck lobbyists on how this will impact her standing with the left leaning water-fowl."You know, my dad took me out behind the cottage that my grandfather built on a little lake called Lake Winola outside of Scranton and taught be how to shoot when I was a little girl."
Friday, April 4, 2008
Quote of the Day
"If Hillary is like Rocky, as she keeps saying, then it must be because they both suffered brain damage after going too many rounds. "
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The Beautiful People
This picture of the future fashionista President and her hipster First Gentleman is just stunning. Note the confident looks clearly saying, "success is my destiny" ... the rapid stride through midtown Manhattan, possibly ... as well as the fact that she appears to be Tom Cruise dressed up in drag ... I expect her at any moment to strip down to her skivvies and start dance/lipsynching to some old-time Bob Seger tunes ... flip that collar up and let it all go, baby!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
A hiatus averted
proclamation by a democrapublican at 1:38 PM 0 kudo(s)
word association: barack, donkeys, donkeys being donkeys, doo doo, elephants, elephants being elephants, George, Hillary, Johnny, primaries, racial bias, serious thoughts
Monday, March 31, 2008
Good times in this hell that is the endless democratic primary season
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Hillary: what did I ever do to you?
Or, as the incomparable Maureen Dowd stated in a recent column ... "All the victimizations go tripping over each other and colliding, a competition of historical guilts."
proclamation by a democrapublican at 2:26 PM 0 kudo(s)
word association: Bill, donkeys, donkeys being donkeys, Hillary, racial bias, unethical treatment of donkeys
Monday, March 10, 2008
"Red Phone Ad" Girl is Really an Obama Supporter, Ahhhh the Irony!
According to a story published on, the sleeping child in Clinton's "vote for me or my husband Bill will have your kid bumped off in the night" scare tactic ad, is now an 18 year old, and an Avid Obama supprter. As my friend Homer would say: "Doh!" Apparently the Clinton campaign bought the 10 year old footage from a media company and used it. How donkey-worthy!
Sounds as though the Obama campaign may capitalize on this by bringing the her over to their side for an ad. Ahh, sweet justice.
You can read more here:
Now, I must go back to my kool-aide drinking...
Friday, March 7, 2008
Crap. Folks, we're in this one for the long haul.
And in honor of that fact, I couldn't let this lovely photo montage pass us by.
Monday, March 3, 2008
"The Teller County Assembly" OR "How I Met One of Those Elusive Superdelegates"
After a month of calling every registered Democrat in my precinct on behalf of the Obama Campaign, we had a successful Super Tuesday where 2/3 of the voters in my precinct voted for Obama. It was amazing to see lines out the door at the caucus check-in and to be reminded that, although we are a heavily Republican county, there is some interest by the Democrats as well. At the Caucuses each precinct had to elect 9 delegates to attend the County Assembly on their behalf. I was proud to have been chosen as a delegate and represent Senator Obama at our County Assembly this weekend.
The County Assembly was an interesting, odd, and somewhat informal gathering. 96 of us delegates and alternates crammed into a small room at the library, speeches from potential candidates for local elections, state elections, and of course, on behalf of the Democratic candidates themselves. It was no shocker to me that the Clinton campaign didn’t bother to send anyone to speak on her behalf. She plainly ignored the caucus states which require too much effort to court, and I, as a Democrat and a woman, am insulted that I didn’t receive as much as a pre-recorded phone call from her campaign. Heck, even Ron Paul sent me a text message! It doesn’t matter I guess, I wouldn’t have caucused for her anyhow. So back to my story, the Clinton campaign was represented by a nice gentleman who spoke a few brief words to the character of Senator Clinton. The Obama campaign was represented by one of my fellow Precinct Captains who is a disabled young man who has been moved by the politics of the past 8 years to get involved. This will be the first Presidential election he gets to vote in and his speech moved me close to tears. It’s this kind of passion that represents why so many people are on the Obama-wagon.
We also got to hear from some head-honch guy in the State Democratic Party who had sped in from Chaffee County. In a somewhat energizing “rally the liberal commies” speech he spoke about the upcoming elections and how, for the first time, instead of the party trying to tell us this is the most important election in a generation, it was, in fact, the voters who are telling the party that this is the most important election of e generation by turning out en masse. So, yay voters! I expect to see you all in November. Turns out the head-honch is also one of those elusive superdelegates, and it is very rare to view them in captivity, so I was quite excited about that. Also exciting news was he wasn’t one of the superdelegates that had been bought by the Clinton campaign, and thus, was an avid Obama supporter.
In the end, my nearly 4 hours spent in a hot and stuffy room on behalf of the greater good was rewarded as I was chosen to be an alternate at the State Democratic Convention and Assembly. Another chance to get to be a part of the weird and crazy process that is politics. I’m also volunteering to help on a few committees at the event. Next stop after that? Volunteering at the National Convention and then off to President Obama’s cabinet…
And now, for fun, here's a picture from the Obama Rally in late-January.
proclamation by Laura at 9:56 AM 3 kudo(s)
word association: barack, donkeys, donkeys being donkeys, Hillary, primaries, serious thoughts, superdelegates
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Fish announces support of McCain; Biscuit still noncommital
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Wisconsin Democrats 'hopeful'
Bill Clinton, spokesperson for 'done stuff', reacted by claiming that "Hope is so sixteen years ago. In fact, I was born in Hope, Arkansas, as you may already know. Even so, I haven't visited since that PR photo op that we had there during the 92 campaign. I don't imagine the economy is doing too hot. I'm not even sure I would recognize Hope if I saw it. But, I do recognize my wife and her past glories - and let me tell you, she was one attractive, intelligent, amazing woman. There comes a time in any political dynasty where you have to transition from selling hope to condemning hope, in order to get elected. Please join us, as I do not want to go home to that woman if she loses."
Monday, February 18, 2008
Prominent Republicans endorse Prominent Republican
Mitt Romney's famed anti-surrender-to-terror position is well-documented, but he further reinforced his commitment to a McCain Presidency (and the underlying Romney Vice Presidency) by stating his opposition to former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Said Romney, "I like Mike Huckabee as a person. He has some interesting viewpoints, and we certainly have idealogical similarities. But, I cannot endorse his position of surrendering to terror by laying down our weapons and approaching the evil Muslims with bibles and love instead. He has this warped view of Jesus as a turn-the-other-cheek pansy, but I know that Jesus was really an ain't-nobody's-bitch-motha who annihilated civilizations that dared to challenge him. Like Jesus and Johnny, I'm all for mowing down anybody who reacts angrily to our mis-placed hostile occupation and nation building effort in Iraq, even though it will take 100 years. We're coming after you first, you French custard-filled pastries!"
Former President George H. W. Bush (the Elder) has similarly endorsed Johnny, but for perhaps different reasons. During a candid interview from the Kennebunkeport Harbor office, George the Elder summarized his endorsement as follows: "Honestly, I'm a long-time conservative Republican, going back well before my days in the public eye as Reagan's strong arm, and even before my years of undermining American principles by working intelligence deals in the Middle East that would make your toe-hair curl. As such, I clearly can't support anti-American candidates such as Hillary Clinton and that crazy muslim Barack Obama. Trust me, I only endorse crazy muslims that can make me ridiculously wealthy, and Obama does not fit that bill. Moreover, it's time for change. While you people have been dealing with this incompetent buffoon for seven years now, I've had to apologize for him his entire life. He has some deep-seeded need for my approval, and that bothers me. McCain is just what we need - a straight shooter, someone who can think for himself, someone who doesn't need my approval, and someone who is not our current president."
Limbaugh and Coulter simultaneously read on-air statements directly from the talking points memo, stating that "The endorsements of Bush and Romney do not reflect the beliefs of true conservatives. True conservatives are people who are in one-hundred percent lock-step agreement with the entirety of beliefs expressed by the true conservative arm of the Republican party, as expressed in our books, radio shows, and unfortunate television appearances. Although, if you think we're ugly, watch that James Carville sometime. Dear God. Trust me, my unparalleled crack research team backs this up by diligently and exhaustively comparing notes with (Ann/Rush)'s people. Don't be swept up by Johnny fever, as we need to continue threatening to vote for Hillary as long as there's a small bit of hope for a Huckabee nomination. When that hope is doused, we'll be certain to jump off the Hillary bandwagon, in favor of spreading stories about the legendary back stage orgies that Obama and the Clintons host after each debate, and of course Hillary's traitorous actions while piloting wiki boats in Vietnam as corroborated by numerous highly-paid wiki boat vets."
Friday, February 15, 2008
Clinton wins New Mexico cauci
Meanwhile, no word has come in yet on the results of the Republican caucuses between hopefuls Barry Goldwater, Nelson Rockefeller, and Richard M. Nixon. The Arizona Senator appears to be a popular choice in Santa Fe and Albuquerque, but Vice President Nixon is holding on strong in the more rural areas of the state. Nixon seems like the likely national choice, but has been very secretive about who he might select as a runningmate.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Obama campaign accuses Clinton of using illegal steroids, HGH
The Obama campaign's evidence seems to surround a recent interview with Hillary, in which she alluded to using several over-the-counter medications. These medications, which include vitamins, tea, and Purell, have been linked to steroid use, and critics claim that they are used as a smokescreen to cover up what's really going on. Tea, in particular, is used to temper dry mouth, malaise, and extreme aggression, which are among the more common immediate side-effects of HGH use, and are all common among highly-charged, stressful political campaigns where candidates are hopped up on growth hormone.
Torture, yes! Principles, no!
"Mac" voted no today on the Intelligence Authorization Bill that requires the intelligence community to abide by the same standards as articulated in the Army Field Manual and bans waterboarding.
Looks like he's going to make a great "conservative" presedential candidate after all!
proclamation by Laura at 11:03 AM 1 kudo(s)
word association: elephant pick-up lines, elephants, elephants being elephants, Johnny, purchasing souls
Monday, February 11, 2008
Clinton takes focus off the issues, places it on unsupported theoretical speculation
First, on Saturday, Hillary stopped trying to convince the Democratic Party membership that she was a better candidate than Barack Obama. Instead, she is imploring the votership to select her as their nominee despite the fact that Barack is clearly better suited to lead the country, instead urging them to vote for the more electable candidate: Hillary. In the wake of emasculating defeats in five completely unimportant states, Hillary summarized the stakes as follows: "It is becoming increasingly obvious that you prefer my opponent, and it is now blindingly apparent that he would be the better president, but I implore you not to bring such an abrupt and painful end to my dream. Despite the fact that you love him, believe in him, and want to see him become president, vote for me instead because I am better qualified to defeat John McCain."
Meanwhile, Republicans everywhere are salivating at the possibility of a Hillary-Johnny showdown, and poll after poll comes in showing that Barack would be a much more formidable opponent for Johnny than would Hillary - in fact he would currently be a strong favorite to win the election if faced with Johnny.
On Sunday, Hillary followed her brilliant strategy of taking the focus off the issues and putting it back onto unsupported theoretical speculation by replacing her campaign manager. Her newly former campaign manager, Patti Solis Doyle (right), is apparently the source of the "take the focus off the issues and put it back onto unsupported theoretical speculation" strategy. Doyle is expected to return to Wisteria Lane, where she will try to convince brother Carlos to dump his ex-wife Gabrielle immediately. Solis Doyle's replacement, Maggie Williams, is said to believe passionately in the long-retired political tactic entitled "it depends on what your definition of 'is' is."
Dirty old Australian guy publishes tawdry tabloid journals, undermines American family values, and is embraced by conservatives and evangelicals
Old Australian dude makes significant fortune publishing tawdry supermarket tabloids in Australia, England, and the United States, irrevocably undermines American family values by introducing such sordid programs as "Married with Children," "Herman's Head," and "The Simpsons" to network television, uses his hundreds of millions of dollars to capitalize on tens of millions of paranoid American conservatives and evangelicals by convincing them that his off-shoot news network is "fair and balanced" by telling them what they want to hear regardless its basis in truth
Article text:
Rupert Murdoch (76) is flanked by his third and current wife, Wendi Deng Murdoch (right, 39) and his fourth wife, Nicole Kidman Cruise Urban Murdoch (left, 40)
Invitation: donkey sharing time
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Obama campaign raises $7.2 million in 36 hours
When asked to comment, Bill Gates indicated that he will make matching donations to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for all of the money that Barack collects. He went on to state that "Barack is a fund-raising machine. He is on pace to obliterate the campaign contribution records set by George Bush, and shortly thereafter will be able to buy and sell God. But, I have several orders of magnitude more money lying around in my underwear drawer that I can spare for a good cause, so I thought this was a good opportunity to distribute more of my freakish wealth."
Campaign finance reform mouthpiece John McCain stated that "it's unthinkable that someone could raise tens of millions of dollars, only to spend those dollars on an election. We've truly come to a place in this country where elections can be bought, and this scares me. If and when I buy the Presidency this November, I will make further campaign finance reform my first priority. And, you can help put me there by making a personal donation of up to $2,000 immediately. If we can raise an additional $40 million by March, this will put us above the $80 million mark and should go a long way in ensuring that we can compete with the Obama campaign and the $780 million budget that they're expected to have at that point. I thank my supporters for their deep pockets, and really wish I had rich & spendy Hollywood types supporting me, too."
Mitt Romney suspends campaign
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Super Tuesday 2008: results against predictions
Running tally:
Correct donkey picks/total called: 11/21^
Correct elephant picks/total called: 14/21*
*West Virginia is effectively a win for Johnny
^New Mexico has not been called
Alabama -
Predicted winners: Barack, Johnny
Actual winners: Barack, Mike
Commentary (7:44PM): Another southern victory for Barack.
Commentary (8:33PM): Mike is sure strong in the deep South. I should be more in tune with the Alabama voter.
Alaska -
Predicted winners: Hillary, Mitt
Actual winners: Barack, Mitt
Arizona -
Predicted winners: Barack, Johnny
Actual winners: Hillary, Johnny
Commentary (8:42PM): The Sun City contingent comes through again for Big Johnny.
Commentary (10:16PM): Another nice win for Hillary. It all comes down to California. Either way, the donkey race is still very much in play.
Arkansas -
Predicted winners: Hillary, Mike
Actual winners: Hillary, Mike
Commentary (7:38PM): It sure pays to have two home states, as the Clintons are finding out.
Commentary (7:45PM): Mike sorely needs a few more home states to claim.
California -
Predicted winners: Barack, Johnny
Actual winners: Hillary, Johnny
Commentary (10:26PM): Biggest single win of the night so far. Not the nail in the coffin for Barack, but the momentum stopper that Hillary needed, to be sure. Only thing bigger than this would be a Johnny win in Cali, as that would be the nail in the coffin.
Commentary (10:27PM): Oh, wait, Johnny got a win in Cali. Hammer meet nail meet Republican Presidential Nominee Johnny Mac.
Colorado -
Predicted winners: Barack, Johnny
Actual winners: Barack, Mitt
Connecticut -
Predicted winners: Hillary, Mitt
Actual winners: Barack, Johnny
Commentary (7:46PM): My first real incorrect pick (discounting the "fixed" West Virginia win for Johnny) on the elephant side comes in New England. Those enigmatic Connecticut republicans!!
Commentary (8:26PM): This win almost counters the New Jersey win for Hillary. California is enormous for Barack, but he should be able to retain relevance regardless of the outcome there. Those enigmatic Connecticut democrats!!
Predicted winners: Barack, Johnny
Actual winners: Barack, Johnny
Commentary (7:38PM): Johnny takes the every-important Delaware primary, with two a's and two e's.
Georgia -
Predicted winners: Barack, Johnny
Actual winners: Barack, Mike
Commentary (7:53PM): The question now becomes, does Barack have the potential to steal southern states in a general election? Doubtful, but Georgia seems as good a candidate as any.
Commentary (9:31PM): More love for Mikey in the South, and he likes it.
Idaho -
Predicted winners: Barack
Actual winners: Barack
Illinois -
Predicted winners: Barack, Johnny
Actual winners: Barack, Johnny
Commentary (7:55PM): Hillary could claim a third home state in any other election, but Barack-fever has overtaken this midwestern swing state and Barack solidly wins, as expected. Johnny has the big "mo".
Kansas -
Predicted winner: Barack
Actual winner: Barack
Massachusetts -
Predicted winners: Hillary, Mitt
Actual winners: Hillary, Mitt
Commentary (7:51PM): Paper tiger, is old Mass. Very predictable, here and in November. Mitt, home state or not, you'll be abandoned - of course, that's assuming you can even get to November, which you can't. At least not on top of a ticket.
Minnesota -
Predicted winners: Hillary, Johnny
Actual winners: Barack, Mitt
Commentary (8:34PM): Nice midwestern win for Barack. Never hurts to have the Mall of America constituents.
Commentary (9:29PM): Mitt's trying to hang in there. Not convinced that he can.
Missouri -
Predicted winners: Hillary, Johnny
Actual winners: Barack, Johnny
Commentary (7:50AM): As the festivities wrapped up, it was clear that the day was a virtual tie between Hillary & Barack. My only real surprise was that Barack hadn't narrowed the California gap a little more - but Hillary has long had the edge there.
Montana -
Predicted winner: Johnny
Actual winner: Mitt
Commentary (10:17PM): An enormous, momentum-turning victory for Mitt in Big Sky country. I'm certain Mitt was prepared to concede, before hearing about the Montana result which surely spurred his confidence.
New Jersey -
Predicted winners: Barack, Johnny
Actual winners: Hillary, Johnny
Commentary (7:40PM): This is a big win for Johnny, in all seriousness. He has crazy momentum right now, and might end the Republican nominational race tonight.
Commentary (7:56PM): The win in New Jersey solidifies that tonight will not be disastrous for the former First Lady. A loss here could have signalled trouble ahead, but at worst she'll be in a dog-fight after tonight's outcomes. Holding on strong in the northeast, where mouthy broads reign supreme!
New Mexico -
Predicted winner: Barack
Actual winner: Barack leads currently, not called yet by CNN
New York -
Predicted winners: Hillary, Johnny
Actual winners: Hillary, Johnny
Commentary (7:40PM): Hillary won, as expected, in her other home state. Johnny gets another big one.
North Dakota -
Predicted winners: Hillary, Mitt
Actual winners: Barack, Mitt
Commentary (8:10PM): My first miss that goes towards the Barack camp. Somehow, I imagine New Jersey is more exciting to win than North Dakota.
Oklahoma -
Predicted winners: Barack, Johnny
Actual winners: Hillary, Johnny
Commentary (7:55PM): God help us if Hillary breaks out into Rodgers & Hammerstein fare!!
Tennessee -
Predicted winners: Barack, Johnny
Actual winners: Hillary, Mike
Commentary (7:42PM): Daddy's on a losing streak, underestimating the Senator from New York. Tennessee's a nice win.
Utah -
Predicted winners: Barack, Mitt
Actual winners: Barack, Mitt
Commentary (8:07PM): Shockingly, Utah is even more predictable than Massachusetts!
West Virginia -
Predicted winners: Johnny
Actual winners: Mike
Commentary (2:46 PM): Even though Mike "technically" won, and Johnny only received 1% of the vote, Johnny is the real winner in West Virginia as I expected all along. It was his supporters who pushed Mike over the top, and kept all of those critical West Virginia delegates from voting for Mitt.
Source: CNN
A question about superdelegates
Is selling your soul a prerequisite for becoming a superdelegate?
proclamation by a democrapublican at 8:00 PM 2 kudo(s)
word association: primaries, purchasing souls
Super Tuesday 2008: state by state analysis
proclamation by a democrapublican at 10:00 AM 0 kudo(s)
word association: awesome maps, barack, donkeys, elephants, Hillary, Johnny, Mike, Mitt, primaries, serious thoughts, things i have tought you
Friday, February 1, 2008
Feuling the anti-animal agenda
Here's what happened, according to the vast liberal media: an American human was walking around Wild Elephant Valley in the Xishuangbanna region of the Yunnan province in China, near dusk. The man, Jeremy Allen McGill, is an English teacher in Wuhan. According to reports, the elephant picked the man up using his considerable trunk, and tossed him to the ground. This resulted in fractured ribs, stomach injuries, and a fear of elephants.
Here's what the liberal media won't tell you: an American human was walking around Wild Elephant Valley in the Xishuangbanna region of the Yunnan province in China, near dusk. The man, Jeremy Allen McGill, is an English teacher in Wuhan. He was carrying with him an "English for Dummies" book, and attempting to teach the elephant his native tongue. When the elephant was unable, he proceeded to taunt the elephant with insults such as "how are you gonna take over the world, when you can't even learn English?," and "if elephants have such great memories, why doesn't that affect my frustration about your inability to remember how to effectively use the words affect and effect?," and "don't raise your trunk at me ... you do not want to raise that trunk at me ... did you hear me? Are you deaf? Holy crap ................ NOOOOOOOOOO ...... PUT ME DOOOOWWN ........ I'll be NIIIICE!!!!"
As is usually the case, this is another example of an elephant being verbally assaulted, reacting as any of us would, and then being made out by the vast liberal media to be an animal because of it. If you humans learn anything from this, it's to let elephants be elephants. Don't try to Americanize them, and by all means never taunt their inability to capture the exceeding complexities of the English language.
proclamation by a democrapublican at 5:32 PM 2 kudo(s)
word association: awesome maps, elephant pick-up lines, elephants, elephants being elephants, media, unethical treatment of elephants
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Updating the primaries & cauci
In the spirit of providing really awesome maps of the proceedings, I've created a fantastic follow-up map to yesterday's prediction map. Today, we look at where we are - which candidates have won each caucus or primary, and how would they look with their giant heads floating above those states. I hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Handicapping the 2008 election
note: we have narrowed the field down to viable candidates Hillary, Barack, Johnny, and Mitt
Likelihood of each candidate to reach the general election:
Johnny - 80%
Barack - 60%
Hillary - 40%
Mitt - 20%
Likelihood of each candidate to beat each potential general election opponent:
Johnny over Hillary - 75% (25%)
Barack over Johnny - 85% (15%)
Barack over Mitt - 90% (10%)
Hillary vs. Mitt - 50% (50%)
Likelihood that each candidate will be elected in November:
Barack - 51.6%
Johnny - 31.2%
Hillary - 12.0%
Mitt - 5.2%
Proposed betting odds* for each candidate:
Barack - 1:1
Johnny - 3:1
Hillary - 7:1
Mitt - 20:1
* This is not an actual betting opportunity, as we have no money to back it up
The following map and associated Electoral College projections are based on the numbers above, accounting for the various combinations. It simply shows the projected party that each state will align with. I don't consider Nebraska or Maine real states, so their split votes are being ignored.
Associated Electoral College votes:
Democratic Candidate - 248 (19 states, one district)
Republican Candidate - 216 (24 states)
Too close to project - 74 (7 states)
Electoral College votes needed to win - 270
Projected "swing" states:
Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio
proclamation by a democrapublican at 5:18 PM 1 kudo(s)
word association: awesome maps, barack, donkeys, elephants, Hillary, Johnny, Mitt, parties, primaries, serious thoughts, things i have tought you
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Sun City King of the Florida Republican Primary
Monday, January 28, 2008
2008 State of the Union Address: democrapublican response
- This year, the TelePrompTer was operated by White House AV Club Vice President, Jeffrey Singleton, formerly the President of the AV Club at Mallard Creek High School in Charlotte, North Carolina. Go Mavericks! Way to represent, Jeffrey!
- President Bush wants the United States to reduce its dependence on oil. In an effort to expedite the process, George has flown Air Force One (yes, he's a pilot) to Riyadh sixteen times to meet personally with Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, the Saudi Crown Prince, attempting to determine whether or not there are any abundant Middle Eastern resources that may be used as alternative fuel sources. The leading possibilities right now are: palm oil, gold, silver, myrrh, and harnessing the latent heat of sand. In a rare improvisational moment, George shared the details of an exchange between the two leaders: "So, I said, 'Princy,' I call him Princy. I said, 'Princy, you seen the cost of a barrel of oil lately? Pretty outrageous?' 'Yes, George,' Princy said, 'I knew it must be so when my driver pulled up in a Rolls to drive me from my yacht's fifth level sun deck to dinner at the Four Seasons located next to the Virgin Room behind the bridge. Apparently, they replaced the entire yacht automobile fleet!' I just about died laughing, 'cause I remember those cramped Mercedes sedans they used to shuttle us in."
- Reaffirmed commitment to work towards reversing the growth of greenhouse gasses. Prediction: next year's Academy Award winning film-inspired action will be to remove all coinage from circulation, in order to limit the spread of Javier Bardem, friend-o.
- About Iraq, Bush laid the groundwork for a potential early fall 2008 invasion of Baghdad. The idea harkens back to the glory days of 2003 when the vast liberal media conspiracy vastly and liberally mediated their conspiratorial news stories by parroting the administration's foreign policy verbatim, in fact directly from the talking points distributed at the 1600 P.A. lemonade stand by Scooter Libby.
- Promised to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by December 2008. He then started to re-tell his Sultan bin Abdul Aziz story, before Jeffrey got his attention and focused him back on the TelePrompTer.
If I seem sardonic in this post, it's just because my stomach is upset. Actually, I missed most of the speech as a result. By "most," I mean "all." But, I do sincerely apologize if I come across as skeptical.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
"Donkeys are really nice"
Friday, January 25, 2008
The donkey is a member of the order Perissodactyla, more commonly referred to as odd-toed ungulates. I'm sure that your reaction is as mine was, that the collective number of toes on the animal must equate to an odd number. That, or my alternate theory, that their toes are simply odd-shapen. But, you're wrong. In fact, they're referred to as odd-toed because they have an odd number of toes on each individual hoof. For instance, 1. Perhaps, 5. More commonly, 3. Assuming your neighborhood perissodactyl has four legs, as is apparently common among land mammals, you can perform the simple math and come to the conclusion that he or she has an even number of toes, likely 12 (donkeys have 4). And, like me, you're thinking that they should really be called even-toed ungulates, because who cares about each individual hoof - I'm concerned with the whole of the being. But, apparently there are other ungulates that are referred to as even-toed ungulates, which means that ungulates like ours cannot be called even-toed ungulates, and that they must inaccurately be labeled as odd-toed ungulates. Don't get me started on labels. Are you following me?
A few important words about perissodactylae doo doo:
proclamation by a democrapublican at 3:16 PM 1 kudo(s)
word association: donkeys, doo doo, family, google, hindgut fermentation, things i have tought you, ungulates
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Bill Clinton, mouthy broad
That's all well and good, but does that in itself qualify him to place himself in the middle of the 2008 election cycle? I think so. In fact, when you combine that with his new post-heart surgery gaunt look, and his beautifully formed coif of white hair, I can think of no other person that I would want to see whoring himself for camera time in the name of his presidential bid. By that I mean his wife Hillary's presidential bid, of course.
While I always enjoy seeing Bill in front of the microphones slamming his (Hillary's) political opponents, I particularly enjoy seeing Bill in front of the microphones slamming Barack. It seems that every time he opens his mouth on camera, he's either telling reporters how terrible Barack is, or telling them that instead of conducting this interview, they should be covering how terrible Barack is. Sometimes, he goes to college campuses and tells students (on camera) that they should demand that the media tell them more about how terrible Barack is. In fact, I was watching an old Saturday Night Live episode from the early 90s, and there was Phil Hartman as Bill in a debate with Dana Carvey as Church Lady, and Bill was telling Church Lady that if he were elected, he would demand changes in media practices to include telling the American people how terrible Barack is. As Bill apparently sees it, there is nothing more pressing for the media to focus on than Barack, and his terrible ... terribilit ... terriblenes ... and how terrible he is.
This brings us to yesterday. Bill was busy campaigning on the coast of South Carolina, when a reporter asked him a question that had nothing to do with how terrible Barack is. As anyone would, Bill took offense to the question, and answered with the following tirade:
"They're feeding you this because this is what you want to cover; this is what you live for, but this hurts the people of South Carolina. What you care about is this and the Obama people know that, so they spin you up on this and you happily go along. The people don't care about this. They never ask about it. And you are determined to take this election away from them. One more story. Shame on you. Shame on you."
I look forward to a day when the media returns its focus to what is really important: how terrible Bill thinks Barack is.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Martin Luther King, Jr.
proclamation by a democrapublican at 9:43 AM 0 kudo(s)
word association: racial bias, serious thoughts, underdogs
Friday, January 18, 2008
A preview of South Carolina
1. South Carolina Primary - Elephants
I'm clueless. I can't read the people of South Carolina, which is kinda ironic. But, what I know is this: Ken Huckabee is a lock to lead the South Carolina Primary until the 11th hour. At the 11th hour, as Rudy and Mitt enjoy a burlesque show together in Vegas, Huckabee will watch in a helpless stupor as the Diebolds take a huge swing westward. Johnny snatches victory from the jaws of irrelevance, and leaves South Carolina with an enormous weekend sweep of the South Carolina Primary and the New Mexico Caucuses.
2. South Carolina Primary - Donkeys
Much more interesting than the baby elephant walk the Saturday before, Columbia will be enthralled by the goings on in the donkey primary. Will the South Carolina people support a mouthy broad? What about a sorta black dude? Or, a short, politically irrelevant guy? Or, will they stick with my first instinct and go with John E. from the cooler Carolina? As the day unfolds, it is clear that this one is going down to the wire. The second weekend of the tournament is clearly going to be more interesting than the first. John E. generally holds small leads throughout, while Hillary and Barack duke it out to see if either can challenge him. As the day winds down, it becomes apparent that Edwards is the soup du jour, and that Barack will leave with a solid #2 finish. Until Hillary pulls up from the top of the key and her shot nestles into the net. On the subsequent possession, Barack trips over Dennis while trying to pass the ball up court to John E., and Hillary takes it away - along with the lead, as her three pointer from the elbow bounces off the rim, the backboard, and the rim again before falling through. She ices the game from the free throw line, and ends up with a strong 13 point victory in South Carolina. Let the inauguration planning commence.